Sayings- Gabriel Raam


If you through Pearls to swins, the swins would not get less swines, but the pearls, oh, the pearls, are getting less pearls…


The power of the bad to do badly, is greater than the power of good to do well.


Forceful people has got the ability to cause to the highly sensitive persons – to feel as though this forcefulness is their own fault.


The beginning of life at birth – announces their ending.

Birth during life – announces their beginning.


It is the way of the wise to create freedom within boundaries.

And not to break the boundaries in order to create freedom.


If to be authentic with another means to be egotistic, than I prefer the falsehood of considering him.


The art of living is not to lighten the darkness of life – but to develop a night sight.


Men abandon relationships, women abandon the frame (of the relationships which suffocated them.


You need to receive yourself back from others – in order to be.


If you do not get the recognition about who you are, than either you are what you are only in your own mind, or you are too high.


Civilization is a phenomenon which happens on the face of society, a phenomenon of refining the outer layers of the social behavior on the account of the total negligence of the inner layers.

What is a culture?  It is the flourishing od social elements such as: politics, entertainment, art, communication media and others, that are a parasite existence on the account of togetherness, friendship, human warmth, that are today in a state of deterioration towards alienation, apathy and mutual emptiness.

Education is usually, the compression (into us) of useless information (for life and existence), about Godless and spiritless world. Whereas organic education is about returning to the origin, a process of refreshing meanings and values of what is means to be a human being that forever should remain important.

Society is the coming together of individuals that do not share a common center of gravity, so that the noise of the togetherness would overshadow the emptiness and the noise which is within the individual.

Conformity is the way the individual is obeying the dogma of social convention because of fear from public opinion.

The problem about conformity is less in its existence and more in the passage from individual view to the general view, is always accompanied by the passage from a high common denominator – to a low common denominator.   


Territorial dominance is the power that an individual gets from a society or organization, for being useful to them. This power is being used by him for increasing his personal glorification and for intensifying his dominance upon those who lost in the rate race.

‘The public’ is a creature that its opinion and judgment determines the fate of the individual in it, when its values and principles are in an ongoing inflation. The public is lacking a common denominator, but is split and with multiple heades, that are arguing and fighting each other, on what is presented as ideological differences and a different world view, but in fact are a thine and transparent cover, through which the territorial dominance is giving the tone, trying to overcome the other heads and thus becomes to be the only head that leads the social body. 


An optimist is a person that thinks that the nature of human beings is good from its origin, but it is society which corrupts him.

A pessimist is a person that believes that human being is bad by its nature but it is society that by its laws, stops him from -actualizing his bad nature.


In comedy things are getting spoiled just in order to be fixed later. In drama they begin corrected only to be spoiled later on. And in tragedy the beginning is already spoiled, the attempts to fix is don’t succeed, and the inevitable end confirms the beginning. Entertainment (comedy) blinds us to the human drama. The human drama wakes us up to the hard reality. And tragedy indeed burns off all illusions but allows us a catharsis that allows us to really live.


Reality is always unequivocal, we through fog around this unequivocalness the moment we feel that it could harm us emotionally.


On wisdom: wisdom will arrive only if you allow yourself, for a long time, to be stupid. If you are wise ahead, it is a defense against the unknown. I am all for confusion and questions, only in this way you could be wise. Whoever insists to be wise before an action will always be stupid in the act and surly after it. Wisdom arrives after a monitored stupidity.


A correct thinking is a ‘pregnant’ thinking. You can put a subject in, and wait, you mustn’t interfere with the process, and you have to trust your thinking system. This is the high end of the thinking system, it is Ying (feminine) by nature and gives apace to creativity and the birth of something new.


If you do not allow time for things to cook – you won’t get a stew.


Lack of certainty: people are scared from uncertainty and then they decide, or act, before time. In fact, a man shout cultivate uncertainty, in order to allow the certainty to arrive on time. For certainty should always arrive after, not before; in the praise of uncertainty, that only through her can things grow.


On decision: If ‘I’ decides than most chances that it will be wrong, and this is because of my subjectivity. But if I allow something to decide through me – most chances that the decision would be right.


In fact, we could not do anything – we can only start a process and expects its end.


If you would not allow to what you think you know to disappear in what you don’t know, you will never know (for real).

Always, what you don’t know is greater than what you know, therefore, if you base yourself it what you know – you will come out small, if you base yourself in what you don’t know – you will come out big.

Until a person will not allow what he doesn’t know to fertilize what he knows – he will never really know.

We insist to take what we don’t know and to put it in the context of what we know, instead of allowing what we know to be melted in what we don’t know and to come out enriched by the mysterious.

We are afraid from what we don’t know. And this is instead of letting the known to disappear in the unknown and come out being fertilized by it. This is an emotional approach (instead of conscious approach of the unknown reality.

Anxiety stems out of us conceiving the unknown as an enemy.

The known caused the monsters of Second World War, for at the time you are deeply rooted in the know – the unknown is free. So, science is doing badly, for we think we know and in fact allow to the unknown to multiply and then it attacks us every once in a while.


You need to be tight in order to reach a place in which you can let go.


The soul and the spirit are close to each other like the emotions and the body.

The soul speaks the spirit as the body speaks the emotions.

But at the same time, the soul could be the prisoner of the spirit as the body is to the emotions.


Indeed the life of the special person are hard; if you are special you need to be technical and practical in order to help what is special in you  to survive and manage in social life.  Easy is the life of the average person, he can be satisfied in being average, and he does not need to be special in order to advance in his averageness.


From an optimal standpoint, the meeting of the soul with reality creates destiny. But first you need to be InTouch with your soul and to be able to make sure that nothing would disturb the soul. You need to be free from social conditioning, from the social mask, and free from personal involvements. You need to live in your freedom, inner freedom.


In order to hit and hurt, you need to be close, and the closer you are to someone so you can hurt him more, which means that intimacy is a fertile ground for being emotionally hurt.

Much intimacy without emotional maturity (the ability to take a person for what he is and not according to the good or bad he is causes us) is an emotional accident course. And means that the greater is the intimacy so must be your emotional maturity.

The only way not to be hurt is to move out of the area of intimacy. You want to be hurt and not to hurt another, and you are not sure about your emotional maturity – don’t be in intimacy…


In the meeting between a low level with a higher one, always the low would cancel the high. The high would never cancel the low (he can only refine it). And the power of the low to harm the high is greater than the power of the high to refine the low. Power always comes from bellow, the direction – from above.


Romanticism is a leakage of the emotions to the intellect.


The soul; is something whiten you that you could be attuned too. She lives in you and she is not you, but she is more you than you will ever be.

The soul: an inner being that lives in us and if we are attuned to her – we are receptive towards what want to reach us from the female aspect the Godliness (holly ghost).

Consiousness: is an inner and outer dimension that wants to reach us from the masculine side of the Godliness (wisdom).

Sprituality: is the radiation of the soul, and the quality of the radiation depends on the quality of the soul structure. And the soul structure divides into two: low level soul and high level soul. The soul is not significant unless the person makes space for her, between him and her.


The more neutral would your center of gravity – be, so would your new self be stronger.


Don’t talk to the lower self, because when you do you give power.


The mind should work on high voltage and the emotions – on low voltage.

The double ‘passwords’ in consciousness development is: alert mind, quiet emotions.

There are only two questions one should ask in order to make sure that he is on right way: A. is the emotions quiet enough? B. is my consciousness is awake enough?


Consciousness gets empowered the more its energy is directed to one thought only. And this power disintegrates when you think many things at once.

Consciousness is a laser beam that separates the coarse from the fine.

The formula for correct life, from consciousness point of view, is: quietness in the lower levels, intensity in the higher levels.


Most people want to release energy – because they do not know what to do with it. She doesn’t charge them up, it is a burden upon them.


The understanding of something separates it from the lower layer and connects it to the higher layer.

Consciousness frees you from slavery to the lower layer.


Doing strengthen the positive vector (Yang, masculine), allowance and reception strengthen the negative vector (Ying, feminine).


If you run fast – you run in circles, slow down and then things (knowings, understandings and inspirations) – can reach you.


Knowing is what you succeed to produce from an experience.

If we had many experiences but we did not produce a knowing out of them – we did not live the experience, the experiences lived us.

You could not take experiences to the next level, only knowings.

The greatest richness that you can produce out of life, is a knowing.

People are afraid that the knowing would destroy the experience.

The building blocks of consciousness are knowings that you produce from experiences. If you don’t have knowings – you don’t have consciousness.

An experience which does not produce a knowing blocks the system.

What happens to us and we don’t know that it happened to us – does not happen to us.


Later is never.


Any struggle only strengthen the opposite vector.


The way to get out of the struggle between initiative and habit is to get assistance (new knowledge) from the level above, from the neutral vector.


The enemy of knowing is what is obvious.

The enemy of knowing is emotional pain.


The way to know what you feel is to ask the body.


A conscious person is connected to the reason of things and that leads to truth.

A conscious person connects to things through doubt.


The most terrible pair is: to experience things you have no knowing about; and to know things you do not experience.


You should not have your problem solved, just to be elevated above it.

You could not get reed of problems, just to produce out of them a knowing. And the knowing frees you from the dependency upon them. A knowing is a passport to consciousness freedom.


A complete absence of consciousness is: not to know that you don’t know that you don’t know.


A conscious person takes everything with reservation and nothing as obvious.


The consciousness shrinks in direct proportions to the stress level of the person.


The motoric and emotional centers need to work on low pressure, whereas, the thinking center needs to work on a high pressure, usually it is the opposite.


A motoric (and the blood) heating is dangerous to the highly sensitive person more than to the coarse one, for it in his phase anyway, for the highly sensitive it is the destruction of his infrastructure.


When a person asks: ‘how’, it says that he could not ask ‘what’, and when he could not ask ‘what’ he is probably is personally involved.


People dress according to their self-view of themselves; low self-view – sloppy dress. High self-view – a quality and well looked after – dress.

A great part of the art knowing to live is being able to trust the subconscious that will know to bring the produce right in time.


The level and depth in relationship is limited by the fear to hurt the partner.

Being alone is an existential state, but loneliness is a siege of the soul.


We see ourselves in situations with people and places through ‘I feel good’ ‘I don’t feel good’, instead of what could be learned from it.


Not to say something is to say that it does not exist.

An intention being spoken out without it being actualized, is weakening the potential power of that person.


Life always begin with a commercial.

Continue as ‘the Comedy of Errors’.

Roll into a drama or deteriorate to telenovela.

And always end in tragedy.


If you did not find the great light, better turn back to darkness rather than being content with an average light.


  Personality and moods can distort perception when they are too dominant.

When you are neutral you do not let personality and moods to overshadow correct evaluation and common sense.


The three parameters to evaluate to what a degree personal involvement controls us, are: how often, how much, and how long – the personal indolent lasts.


Will power Is ‘politically correct’ word for the trampling of the higher perceptions and the soul.


A person could not decide, he can only shift the center of gravity from the infantile self to the knowing self (consciousness).


In the end a person needs to choose who he wants to be – the one who experiences (infantile self) or the one who knows (mature self). 


In order that something in the area of your inner experience will be real it needs to have pass two conditions: knowing or communication; either the ability to know what is happening inside or the ability to communicate it. If you do not have one of them –what happened to you inside – did not happen to you, is not yours. If you don’t have a knowing of it and or don’t communicate it – it does not exist.


We are born with an infantile self (ego), and what looks as grown up, mature self, is the adoption of external norms.


For people with alive a vibrant soul – this soul is like a magnet that disrupts the signals of our plain; we want to be successful, popular, studying for second degree, but the magnet of the soul causes you to fail, because the soul gets contracted  there.  The more powerful she is – the less she will allow you to go to places where she will have to shrink and contract.


The lower side of the human made a pact with society, and together they paralyze his soul.


What you succeed to achieve when you push yourself is half a centimeter, what you will succeed to achieve when you loosen control is endless.


כתיבת תגובה

האימייל לא יוצג באתר. שדות החובה מסומנים *

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