n the world we live in the power on the soul is perceived as wea$ness


. Aperson, that his soul is his driving force- appears to the others as if he has nobackbone and can easil be crashed. And indeed, the power of the soul, in a world thatis devoid of a soul, is similar to the power of a sharp and re$ned lawer, who is $ghtingwith nothing but his words against armed warriors. And so, when it comes to survival,those who represent the soul, in this soulless world, live a di0cult and tragic life. Theare forced to conceal and hide their true identit, or else the will be crushed ands1uashed “ust like grapes# under the feet of the others.

%. &oul and technology:

 Technolog is the greatest antithesis to the soul. )t signs the end of the soul. There is afundamental and an essential contradiction between the two. !ne must wonder howthis massive technolog takeover took place.2id we discover technolog the minute we lost touch with the soul, !r perhaps it wasthe discover of technolog that made us lose connection with the soul3

 This is almost a rhetorical 1uestion. )t seems obvious that a man connected to his soul,will not seek for technolog. Technolog, in a wa, is crutches for the soul4invalids5+o, what is she like3

+he is wide, without the urge to spread. +he is complete, without the need to expand.6ontent without a desire to concur, ful$lled without a sense of dissatisfaction. +he isthere on her own virtues. +he exists simpl because she is present. The technologicalman ceases to exist in the absence of technolog. 7is center of gravit has beenshifted awa from his soul, into the technolog which he himself created, and now heis attached to “computers, airplanes, arti$cial light, newspapers, industriali(ed food,telephones, television- all of it#.

!echnology is the sophisticated attire that conceals the poverty o the soul.

‘. !he language o the soul:

 The language of the soul is delicate, insinuated. The soul communicates through eecontact, silences. Through relating to subtexts.7er language is the language of the smbol and the allegor. To communicat

she usesanalogies and metaphors

.According to 2avid 2awson, allegor is a metaphor that developed into a narrative. )tsounds dierent then what it reall is. The allegor creates distance between theimmediate interpretation of the text, and its hidden intent.Allegoric interpretation of a text must be radical, and that is because it reveals itsinner laer, in which the soul exists.

 The wa of allegoric is in a runabout wa, indirectl. The soul cannot be perceived in a direct and linear manner. +he communicates in awa that is subtle and insinuated. +he is not linear in her nature. 7er language is theopposite of the tangible spoken language. +he is seeking out the space between andaround words. The space inside words. 8ou can $nd her there. That is her habitat.

+ilence and space are not emptiness in her ees. )t is a place to sta. An invitation tobe.)n our public mind we know that in order to be heard we must raise our voice, but

inthe world o soul( in order to be heard# you need to turn down the volume. !he body is shouting# the mind is arguing# and the soul whispers

.  The soul dislikes talking. /ven through metaphors.+he would rather reverberates to the other part through her own presence.)n order to create reverberation ou must be tuned to the same fre1uenc as theother. All the souls are tuned on exactl the same fre1uenc, so if there is another soulon sight, communication will emerge without eort. “if the soul is the center of gravitof that person#, )t is the same with birds- the all sing the same song with dawn, inperfect harmon, because the are tuned on the same fre1uenc.9everberating with another soul is not being alone. )t is to step out of the prison, andnot onl for a stroll, but to reall be a part of the endless and magical world of soul-communication. )t is an entrance to a primal paradise, when the fruits of the gardenare all painted in one color: the color of humanit.All of this exists. )t is present, and et, so distant. !nl one dimension awa. A heartbeat awa. The fact is that our soul is a prisoner inside us. This prisoner is closer to usin a wa we will never be.+he is the forth dimension. !nl in her, and through her, inner life “real life# can takeplace.

 Gabriel Raam


Conciousness awakaning writtings

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